1:1 Breathwork Sessions

1:1 Breathwork sessions are an opportunity for you to connect more intentionally with yourself. This experience is for you if you are curious…

To feel what it is like to be fully resourced. To tap into the infinite wisdom, clarity and love that is abundant within and around you at all times.

To release stuck emotions and clear energy that no longer serves you. To have an opportunity to drop the personas and expectations so you can be immersed in your true, raw, unfiltered, pure, loving essence.

To let go of limitations and step into your potential.

To create momentum in your life so you can feel alive!

This practice creates space for you to calm your nervous system and quiet the mental chatter, so you can begin to unwind and tune in. Once in a space of presence, you can begin to release emotional blocks, heal deeply rooted trauma, re-align your energy and support your physical body. This practical and powerful modality brings your consciousness into your body in such a profound way that you may be able to feel your own vibration, which often opens the door to receiving clarity and guidance as well as sensations of gratitude and love.

That being said, this practice can also bring you face to face with your deeper, tucked away, overlooked or unacknowledged emotions and truths. While that might feel confrontational at times, it is powerful information being provided for you and your growth.

To me, Breathwork feels a bit like surfing a massive wave on the vast ocean of your inner being. Sometimes it’s gliding gently with ease and grace, other times it’s a wild ride… and it’s always worth it because it’s a journey that leads you flowing into greater connection with YOU!

1:1 Breathwork is an invitation for you to self-heal as I support and guide you through the process. All that is needed is your breath, a willingness to experience yourself in a new way and a curiosity to see what is possible on the other side of this threshold.

This practice creates an opening for both releasing and receiving. Breathwork is a key that unlocks levels and layers. It’s a journey into yourself that you can return to again and again, like a beautiful garden that you tend to over a lifetime.

These sessions are all about empowering and supporting you. This approach is directed by what you wish to focus on and can offer a wide variety of support. Benefits of 1:1 Breathwork sessions may include, but are not limited to, physical pain relief, emotional regulation, resolution, clarity, joy, inspiration, creativity, peace, ease, flow and momentum!

The session will be 1 hour 30 minutes in length. You will need a quiet space for this session where you can speak freely and uninterrupted and where you can lay down comfortably for 30-60 +/- minutes. The process will begin with discussing what it is you wish to work on during our time together giving you an opportunity to be seen and heard, some questions and writing prompts for deeper exploration and then we will move into the breathwork portion of the session.

We will connect via Zoom. Please make sure you have zoom downloaded and up to date prior to our session.

Once you’re scheduled, a self-exploration and expression document will be sent to you to fill out and return for compassionate review as well as some prep documents and a healing agreement for you to sign.